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  • Your Strawman | saffronjade&lemonade

    Your Strawman straw man n. An individual who acts as a front for others who actually incur the expense and obtain the profit of a transaction. ​ "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined." ​ Patrick Henry June 26, 1788 Take Back Your Strawman View Project Money vs. Currency View Project The U.S. Constitution View Project Birth Certificates View Project Lawfully Yours View Project Understanding Federal Tyranny Part 2 View Project Understanding Federal Tyranny Part 4 View Project The Two Worlds View Project The Federal Reserve View Project Bill of Rights View Project Lawful Money View Project Understanding Federal Tyranny Part 1 View Project Understanding Federal Tyranny Part 3 View Project Understanding Federal Tyranny Part 5 View Project

  • Peer-Reviewed Studies | saffronjade&lemonade

    Back peer-reviewed studies A Aborted Human Fetal DNA Allergies ALS Aluminum Alzheimer’s & Dementia Anemia Arthritis Asthma Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD & ADHD) Autism & Vaccines Autoimmune Issues & Vaccines B Bell’s Palsy Brain Damage (Encephalitis) — see Neurological C Cancer Cardiovascular Chickenpox Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome D Death Dementia Diabetes E Ears Eczema Eyes F Fetal Death Fibromyalgia Flu Food Allergies G Gardasil Gastrointestinal Guillain-Barre Gulf War Syndrome H Hair Loss Hashimodo’s Hepatitis B Vaccine HIB Vaccine HPV Vaccine I Immune System Influenza J Japanese Encephalitis K Kawasaki Kidney Issues L Lupus M Mercury MMR Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis N Narcolepsy Neurological O Ovarian P Pancreatitis Paralysis Parkinsons Pertussis Vaccine Polio Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) Pregnancy Psychiatric Purpura R Respiratory Rhogam S Seizures Sepsis Shaken Baby Syndrome Shingles SIRVA (Shoulder Injury) Stroke Sudden Infant Death T Thimerosal Thyroid Tics/Tourettes Transverse Myelitis Typhoid V Vaccine Failure Vaccine Shedding Vaccine Ingredients Veterinary Vitamin K W Whooping Cough Y Yellow Fever Vaccine ​ Vaccine Excipient Summary 2019 Natural Infectious Disease Declines; Immunization Effectiveness; and Immunization Dangers Aluminum The Age of Aluminum Aluminum In Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe by Neil Miller; Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons Volume 21 Number 4 Winter 2016 ​ Aluminium In Brain Tissue In Autism by M. Mold et al. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 46 (2018) 76–82 Early Deposition of Aluminum in Bone in Diabetic Patients on Hemodialysis February 5, 1987 N Engl J Med 1987; 316:292-296 DOI: 10.1056/NEJM198702053160602 Aluminum Hydroxide Injections Lead to Motor Deficits and Motor Neuron Degeneration ​ PMID: 19740540 Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity ​ C. A. Shaw • L. Tomljenovic Characterization of the Differential Adverse Event Rates by Race/Ethnicity Groups for HPV Vaccine by Integrating Data From Different Sources Jing Huang1†, Jingcheng Du2†, Rui Duan1 , Xinyuan Zhang2 , Cui Tao2 and Yong Chen1 Adversomics: The Emerging Field of Vaccine Adverse Event Immunogenetics Gregory A. Poland, MD,* Inna G. Ovsyannikova, PhD,† and Robert M. Jacobson, MD‡ Glyphosate Glyphosate In Vaccines Microbe Inotech Laboratories, Inc. Summary Report of Analysis [GLYPH – 312] Version 1.2 IARC Monographs Volume 112: evaluation of five organophosphate insecticides and herbicides Exposure to glyphosate-based herbicides and risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A meta-analysis and supporting evidence ​ ​ L. Zhang, et al. Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research 781 (2019) 186–206 Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase ​ ​ Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 113 | NUMBER 6 | June 2005 A National and State Profile of Leading Health Problems and Health Care Quality for US Children: Key Insurance Disparities and Across-State Variations ​ DOI: Vasculitis and Vaccines What to do if Your Child Dies After Vaccination Death After Vaccines Autopsy Protocol Vaccine Injury & Death Stories Physician's Warranty of Vaccine Safety

  • NCVIA of 1986 | saffronjade&lemonade

    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 Back In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed by congress removing liability from vaccine manufacturers and health care providers. When the law was passed, there were only 7 vaccines in the recommended schedule. Vaccine injury claims were piling up and manufacturers could not keep up with the lawsuits. Due to the lawsuits, manufacturers threatened to stop producing vaccines (some halting production altogether) and health care providers threatened to stop administering them, dramatically reducing vaccination coverage in the US. With a fear of "vaccine preventable diseases" reemerging, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury was passed, and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was created 2 years later in 1988. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ​ (This Vaccine Info Card is Available here ) @SAFFRONJADEANDLEMONADE @SAFFRONJADEANDLEMONADE

  • Vax Resources | saffronjade&lemonade

    Back Vaccine Resources & Information Vaccine Guide by Ashley Everly HERE Exemptions By State HERE Vaxxter by Dr.Tenpenny HERE Videos/Documentaries HERE Peer-Reviewed Studies HERE Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed HERE Silent Advocacy HERE ACIP HERE NCVIA of 1986 HERE VAERS HERE FAQ HERE

  • Natural Zeolites | saffronjade&lemonade

    natural zeolites studies / white papers / touchstone essentials Pure Body Extra Strength is formulated using whole Clinoptilolite sized in the nanometer range (for absorption) and encapsulated within water molecule clusters for optimal cell uptake. It was formulated to bypass the gut so it can provide a systemic, cellular detox. ​ Zeolite by definition is NOT water soluble and must have a delivery mechanism to be accepted in the water and ion channels that cover the surface of our cellular membranes. Touchstone Essentials does this through breakthrough sound wave technology that encapsulates the zeolite inside water molecule clusters so it is readily absorbed throughout the body and for cellular detox. ​ Most importantly, all of the scientific research and studies have been done using whole zeolite Clinoptilolite and not on “fragments.” Having a patent number does not prove something works, rather it covers the process used to derive the product. That’s it. And “fragments” of a zeolite have not been tested or studied to know whether they are effective for detoxification. ​ All zeolites (there are many types) have a specific chemical formula. Breaking apart the zeolite using an acid (as the patents indicate) would mean that the chemical formula for Clinoptilolite has been altered and is no longer the same. It is not Clinoptilolite but something else, with a different (unidentified) chemical formula. ​ Natural, whole Clinoptilolite has a cage-like structure that is fundamental to its detoxification ability. That’s what has been used throughout history, in agriculture, to remediate radiation, and in dietary supplements. The complete cage is needed for the charge-based ion exchange to take place. This is where a bad ion such as a heavy metal, is swapped out in the body for a good ion such as calcium. If there are no “cages” and only “fragments” then cationic exchange is unlikely to occur. ​ Studies on whole, natural Clinoptilolite have proven its ability to provide a whole-body detox. One study, for example, showed that the group taking a zeolite suspension had increased urinary excretion of a range of heavy metals. This proves that whole zeolite suspensions of Clinoptilolite do enter the bloodstream and provide detoxification benefits. You can read the study here: ( ). This study was done on a cleansed zeolite product, and was published in 2009, which is years before Zoi’s product was developed. There are hundreds of studies on whole Clinoptilolite and none on “fragments.” ​ In addition to Pure Body Extra Strength being backed by studies on whole Clinoptilolite, there are hundreds of verified reviews that testify to the benefits people experience when taking this zeolite liquid. And countless more posted on social media and through other platforms that confirm Pure Body Extra Strength provides a whole-body detox. ​ Additionally, Zoi Global does not appear to be the only company claiming to have “hydrolyzed” liquid zeolite. There is another company that markets Clinoptilolite “fragments” called Vitality Detox Drops ( ) which has been selling a remarkably similar product since 2017. Research indicates the product has been around in some form under various names since as early as 2015, with little success. ​ Unfortunately, we have learned that people and companies often make claims that are exaggerated, unsubstantiated, or simply false. Our commitment is to be transparent and ethical in everything we do. Thousands of five-star reviews affirm that Touchstone Essentials is trusted for its ingredient purity, potency and practices. If you are using a desktop + the PDF Reader below: click the ">>" and click "Presentation Mode" to fit your screen for easier reading.

  • 5G | saffronjade&lemonade

    5G + EMFs Evidence For Effects On The Immune System Prepared for the BioInitiative Working Group July 2007 Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low-Intensity Exposure

  • The Modern Forager | saffronjade&lemonade

    The Modern Forager Subscribe to our weekly newsletter on Patreon

  • Somavedic | saffronjade&lemonade

    Somavedic click image for website Use Promo Code: " HEALWITHME " for 10% off. How Somavedic works ​ Somavedic is designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from precious and semi-precious stones. Creating a coherent field covering more than 2,800+ square feet. on off Mitigating negative effects ​ Somavedic is a device that can reliably mitigate unwanted influences of: ​ EMF radiation (4G/5G, WiFi, phones) Geopathic stress, water crosses Curry and Hartmann lines Oxidative stress / Free radicals Radius of 100 feet (30m) into all directions Creates a cohoherent, life-supporting field ​ Forms a bubble, penetrates walls Green Medic Ultra Structured Water Green Medic Ultra 1/2 100% Water Harmonization ​ Somavedic structures water and changes it (in)to a mountain spring quality water that is natural to our bodies and cells. ​ Somavedic can structure (harmonize) any tap or bottled water Provides water in its most natural state, just like nature intended Harness the benefits just by placing your water jug next to Somavedic 1 2 10 1 1/10 1 2 10 1 1/10 Somavedic Testimonies 1 2 8 1 1/8 1 2 7 1 1/7 IGEF REPORT IPHONE TEST GREEN MEDIC ULTRA click images to view product/model info

  • E-Book | saffronjade&lemonade

    free e-book pdf click to download

  • Comedy | saffronjade&lemonade

    COMEDY Sincerely, Louis C.K. 2020 You can support him here: Bill Burr: You People Are All the Same Bill Burr: Breaking Bad Bill Hicks - Relentless [1992]

  • Touchstone | saffronjade&lemonade

    healing with touchstone essentials Click Here To Learn More For more information on the natural zeolites used in Pure Body and Pure Body Extra Strength zeolites, please listen to this interview. There is a common misconception with competitors that natural earth-mined zeolites are naturally "contaminated" with toxins from the earth and that depends on the zeolite and the region of extraction. Touchstone Essentials CEO Eddie Stone explains this in detail in the video above. Earth-mined zeolites used by Touchstone are also not cleansed with a harmful chemical solution. Touchstone Essentials cleans their zeolites with a food-grade vinegar because the zeolites mined are already clean from nature upon extraction. The proprietary process involves no dangerous methods that inflict harm on the person consuming them. Please listen to this interview if you are curious about common misconceptions and frequently asked questions. 1 2 10 1 1/10 1/1

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